On March 1, 2024, Archivist of the United States Dr. Colleen Shogan welcomed Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo to the National Archives. Pictured from left to right are Acting Chief of Staff John Valceanu, Digital Asset Management Specialist Susana Raab, Dr. Shogan, Secretary Raimondo, Supervisory Archivist Trevor Plante, Senior Advisor Ellis Brachman, and Special Assistant Maureen MacDonald.

On March 3, Dr. Shogan posted an incredible photo discovery of President Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg discovered by National Archives employee Josephine Cobb in 1952.

On March 4, 2024, Dr. Shogan moderated a discussion with the co-authors of the new book, Remember the First Ladies: The Legacies of America’s History-Making Women. Pictured from left to right are co-authors Anita McBride, Diana Carlin, Nancy Kegan Smith, and Dr. Shogan. Read the full National Archives news article here.

The same day, Dr. Shogan posted a photo and blog article link showing women of all races and ages worked in various factories and industries during both world wars across northern and mid-western states in honor of Women’s History Month.

On March 5, 2024, Dr. Shogan addressed the US Senate Youth delegates. The group included over 100 high school students and was funded by the Hearst Foundation.

Also on March 5, Dr. Shogan shared an invitation on social media for people to join the Citizen Archivist mission to transcribe transcribe Revolutionary War veteran pension files. Is cursive YOUR superpower? Register now to join us on this exciting project!

On March 6, Dr. Shogan shared that the Presidential Libraries have launched #MoreThanFirstLadies — a month-long social media campaign honoring #WomensHistoryMonth. This week’s theme is FLOTUS as Kids. Check out this photo of Betty Ford at age 16!

On March 7, 2024, Dr. Shogan met with Representative John Curtis (R-UT) (far left) and two of his constituents in her office at the National Archives in Washington, DC.

The same day, Dr. Shogan shared a recipe for First Lady Nancy Reagan’s chocolate brownies. You can check out the full recipe in the Catalog here.

Also on March 7, 2024, in celebration of the second annual National Civic Learning Week, Dr. Shogan posted an invite for the public to join her for an evening fireside chat conversation with U.S. Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel A. Cardona. The evening will highlight the importance of civics and history education for every student in order to sustain and strengthen our constitutional democracy. National Archives Foundation Chair and President, the Honorable Rodney E. Slater and iCivics’ Chief Executive Officer Louise Dubé will provide opening remarks. This program is sponsored by iCivics and the National Archives Foundation.

On March 8, 2024, in celebration of International Women’s Day, Dr. Shogan shared this image highlighting Dr. Elizabeth B. Drewry, the first woman to head a Presidential Library. Drewry was the Director of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library from 1961–1969. National Archives Identifier 35810082.
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