On May 27, 2024, in honor of #MemorialDay and #PreservationMonth, Dr. Shogan shared this photograph of an ID tag that belonged to Nelson Apple, a #WWII U.S. Army sergeant. Our preservation staff enclosed the tag in a polyester sleeve to preserve it. Through sharing our military records, we honor the heroes who have served and sacrificed on behalf of our country.

On May 28, 2024, the National Archives hosted diplomats Yuri Kim and Lucy Ferguson at an event to commemorate the 75th anniversary of NATO. Deputy Archivist of the United States William J. Bosanko provided the opening remarks. Read the full story on National Archives News.

Also on May 28, in honor of #NationalRoadTripDay, Dr. Shogan shared a post stating that “In my first year as Archivist of the United States, I traveled over 32,000 miles, visiting nearly three-quarters of our 42 facilities and 10 of our 15 Presidential Libraries across the US. How far have you journeyed through the U.S. National Archives?” Check out all of our locations across the country!

On May 29, 2024, Dr. Shogan shared an item from the “Records of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office” in case files for registered product labels, sample packaging for Pillsbury’s Flaked Wheat Food from 1901. Suggested recipes include two types of porridge, pudding, and waffles! https://catalog.archives.gov/id/74579041

On May 30, 2024, Dr. Shogan shared a heartwarming Kentucky mining community scene, captured by Russell Lee, is on display in our #ArchivesPowerAndLight exhibit. Bobbie Jean, 4, and Lucy, 26, who is blind, fill a water pail together, 1946. See this photo & more at https://museum.archives.gov/power-and-light-russell-lee-coal-survey.

On May 31, 2024, Archivist of the United States Dr. Colleen Shogan honored Jewish American History Month by sharing this patent of Harry Houdini’s legendary diving suit.
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