On October 30, 2023, Archivist of the United States Dr. Colleen Shogan visited the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library. She met with the Library staff to discuss future plans for continued digitization, exhibits, and educational programming.

Later that day, Dr. Shogan attended the Profiles in Courage award dinner at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, where she met comedian David Letterman and his wife, production manager Regina Lasko.

Happy Halloween! On October 31, 2023, Dr. Shogan spent the day at National Archives at Boston and Federal Records Center. Front row: Archives Technician James Foote, Archives Specialist Stephanie Fawcett, Archivist Joan Gearin, Administrative Officer Deb Shablin, Archives Specialist Jill Snyder, Archivist of the United States Dr. Colleen Shogan, Archives Technician Tracy Skrabut, Archives Technician Jason Hiller. Back row: Archives Specialist Jack Kabrel, Public Affairs Specialist Albinko Hasic, Supervisory Archives Specialist Allan Goodrich, Management Assistant Mark Dimitri, Boston Federal Records Center Director Jonathan Morse, Archives Specialist Andrew Begley, National Archives at Boston Director Alfie Paul.

During her visit to the National Archives at Boston, Dr. Shogan toured the facility, including climbing up on some very tall ladders under the watchful eye of National Archives at Boston Director Alfie Paul.

National Archives at Boston Director Alfie Paul shows Dr. Shogan some of the highlights from the facility’s collection, including lighthouse blueprints from the Coast Guard.

On November 1, 2023, Dr. Shogan visited Lehigh University, where she conversed with university president Joseph Helble.

That same day, Dr. Shogan attended the Pennsylvania Arts & Humanities Statewide Convening, where she conversed with Lehigh University provost Nathan Urban about the importance of civic education and access to primary records for local communities.

Later that day, Dr. Shogan and Senior Advisor to the Archivist Ellis Brachman met with AFGE Council 260 President Mitchell Buffone for dinner.

On November 2, 2023, Dr. Shogan attended a reception hosted by the National Archives Foundation and John Hancock USA. “We have great support across the country to help us achieve our educational mission,” Dr. Shogan said. Pictured from left to right: President of the Massachusetts Historical Society Catherine Allgor, President of the Women’s Suffrage Celebration Coalition of Massachusetts Fredie Kay, Dr. Shogan, Massachusetts Historical Society Adams Papers Editor-in-Chief Sara Martin.
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