Dr. Shogan’s Weekly Summary and Social Media Report: December 23, 2024-January 3, 2025

Screenshot of Apollo 8 broadcast, Christmas Eve, 1968, shared on the National Archives YouTube channel

On December 24, 2024, Archivist of the United States Dr. Colleen Shogan invited her followers on X to watch the Apollo 8 Astronauts 1968 Christmas Eve Live from the Moon broadcast on the National Archives YouTube channel.

First Lady Pat Nixon and Big Bird from Sesame Street during the Diplomatic Corps Members’ Children’s Christmas Party, December, 1970. NAID: 194339

On December 26, 2024, in the spirit of Christmas, Dr. Shogan shared a photo of First Lady Pat Nixon receiving a gift feather from Big Bird, while hosting the Diplomatic Children’s Christmas Party in December, 1970. National Archives Identifier: 194339.

Original caption: “The Covered Wagon of the Great Western Migration. 1886 in Loup Valley, Nebr.” A family poses with the wagon in which they live and travel daily during their pursuit of a homestead. NAID: 518267

On December 27, 2024, Dr. Shogan reminded her followers of NARA’s fascinating records about westward migration with a photo of a family posing with their covered wagon seeking homestead in Nebraska in 1886. National Archives Identifier: 518267.

Screenshot of “Carmencita: Spanish Dance,” filmed by Thomas Edison in 1894. It is the oldest film in the U.S. National Archives motion picture holdings.

On December 28, 2024, Dr. Shogan shared the oldest film in the National Archives motion picture holdings, Carmencita: Spanish Dance. “Fun fact: It was filmed by Thomas Edison!” said Shogan.

Camp Pendleton, CA….Sergeant Reckless, a horse of Korean fame, stands at attention for the inspection of the public, during the Carlsbad Spring holiday celebration. Handling Reckless is Pvt. Walter R. Wilson. National Archives Local Identifier: 127-N-A351974

On December 29, 2024, Dr. Shogan highlighted a National Archives blog post in the Unwritten Record about Sergeant Reckless, a decorated warhorse who served with the U.S. Marine Corps during the Korean War. National Archives Identifier: 441677786.

Jimmy Carter at his desk in the Oval Office, NAID 175967

On December 29, 2024, Dr. Shogan paid tribute to former President Jimmy Carter on X. “We mourn former President Carter together and honor his legacy. A humanitarian and champion of democracy, Carter spent his life bringing people together to solve global problems with peaceful solutions.” Shogan posted. National Archives Identifier: 175967.

National Archives photo by Susana Raab

On January 2, 2025, Dr. Shogan met with incoming Members of the 119th Congress, including their friends and family, in the Washington Room of the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C.

On January 23, 2025, join us for the next installment of Inside the Vault. 

Throughout American history, secret messages, ciphers, codes, and cryptology have played crucial roles in various secret events and operations. From the Revolutionary War to modern times, these techniques have been used to protect sensitive information and ensure secure communication. In partnership with the National Cryptologic Museum, join us as we explore these exciting topics. Moderated by Vincent Houghton, Director, National Cryptologic Museum, panelists include National Cryptologic Museum experts Jen Wilcox, Director of Education; Rob Simpson, Chief Librarian/Archivist; and MacKenzie Fox, Director of Preservation and Conservation.

This program is made possible in part by the National Archives Foundation.

On January 23, 2025, join us for the next installment of Inside the Vault.

Throughout American history, secret messages, ciphers, codes, and cryptology have played crucial roles in various secret events and operations. From the Revolutionary War to modern times, these techniques have been used to protect sensitive information and ensure secure communication. In partnership with the National Cryptologic Museum, join us as we explore these exciting topics. Moderated by Vincent Houghton, Director, National Cryptologic Museum, panelists include National Cryptologic Museum experts Jen Wilcox, Director of Education; Rob Simpson, Chief Librarian/Archivist; and MacKenzie Fox, Director of Preservation and Conservation.

This program is made possible in part by the National Archives Foundation.

Follow Dr. Shogan on her official platform accounts:

One thought on “Dr. Shogan’s Weekly Summary and Social Media Report: December 23, 2024-January 3, 2025

  1. It’s time to publish the ERA today on January 17 2024.
    President Biden today recognized that all Constitutional requirements have been met.
    Time for you to do your job. Publish it as you are required to do by the US Constitution.
    The time has come to act.

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