On November 25, 2024, Dr. Shogan posted a photograph from our Catalog featuring “patriotic pets.” You can check out the hundreds of photos of service animals as documented by government photographers here: https://www.archives.gov/publications/prologue/1996/fall/buddies.html.

Also on November 25, 2024, Dr. Shogan posted a link to a guest essay she wrote for Constituting America. You can read it here: https://constitutingamerica.org/90day-dt-government-by-democracy-in-america-guest-essayist-dr-colleen-shogan/.

On November 26, 2024, Dr. Shogan posted a collection of elaborate letterheads from our digital Catalog. You can view examples of them here: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/631063.

On November 27, 2024, Dr. Shogan posted this incredible photograph of the National Archives building in Washington, D.C., known for its neoclassical architectural themes. You can learn more about the history and influences motivating the design here: https://artsandculture.google.com/story/the-national-archives-building-temple-to-our-history-u-s-national-archives/YwXxwO5TwRFIIw?hl=en.

On November 28, 2024, in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday, Dr. Shogan posted a photograph and link to learn about the Thanksgiving-related records at the National Archives: https://www.archives.gov/news/topics/thanksgiving.

On November 29, 2024, Dr. Shogan posted a photograph from the DOCUMERICA collection. You can learn more about it here: https://www.archives.gov/research/environment/documerica-topics.

On Wednesday, December 4, at 6 p.m. ET, the National Archives will host Inside the Vault: Holidays at the White House with White House Chefs, a virtual program celebrating festive dining and cuisines. Former White House staffers will discuss their unique experiences in the White House during the winter holidays, and what it was like to cook for Presidents, First Families, and honored guests.
The event will be moderated by Alex Prud’homme, author of Dinner with the President: Food, Politics, and a History of Breaking Bread at the White House. Program guests will include Capricia Marshall, former Chief of Protocol for the United States and former Social Secretary; William Yosses, White House Executive Pastry Chef, 2007–2014; and John Moeller, White House Chef, 1992–2005, and author of Dining at the White House: From the President’s Table to Yours. View the event live on the National Archives YouTube Channel.
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